In the Temple of Aten


Akhenaten—pharaoh of Egypt, plainly dressed, preferably played by woman


Nefertiti—wife of Akhenaten, dressed minimally fine

Horemheb—Commander of Egyptian Army, dressed regally

Tutankhaten—son-in-law of Akhenaten, dressed plainly well


A darkened chamber of the temple of Aten. There is only a single yellow light from above, illuminating center stage. Akhenaten kneels in this light, his head turned to the sky and his hands on the ground, as if he is starting a race, but cannot help but be distracted by the light.

The Chorus of Nefertiti, Tutankhaten, and Horemheb enter through the Pardos, Nefertiti and Tutankhaten right, Horemheb left.

Chorus: (Chanting as they enter, circling Akhenaten)

Egypt is broken and

Aten has failed us, but

Our King still seeks him in

Love and ambition. He

Destroyed the icons of

Amun and others, for

They had afflicted this

King with a virulent

Disfiguration. Since

Birth, they foretold of his

Dreams and his Nightmarish

Treasons on Amon, now

Egypt will see itself

Falling from madness. An

Empire breaks from him.

Akhenaten: (screaming) ATEN!

The chorus stops. Nefertiti Stands behind him, Tutankhamen to the right, Horemheb to the left.


Akhenaten: (distraught) You have brought nothing but beauty here.

Why do they curse you? Do they not know

What I see Amon has cursed us with—

Hate—and, I, Ra’s hand in human kind,

Bear the true malady Amon is.

Nefertiti: You are the beauty here.

Horemheb: God has no righteousness.

Tutankhaten: Knowledge has fated us.

Akhenaten: Ra is the God—I am always true.

Chorus: (circling Akhenaten)

Egypt has lost its God.

No one knows Truth but you

Distant despotic one—

Rise, so they know him, you.

Chorus stops, Horemheb behind Akhenaten, Tutankhamen L, Nefertiti R.

Akhenaten: I am not Amon! There is no God!

No God but Aten…(suddenly religious) the merciful…

You who come here and make Amon the

Truth, you are wrong! You are not welcome

In the light Aten provides us with!

Horemheb: Hittites are coming here!

Nefertiti: Leave him alone with God!

Tutankhaten: We bear the mark of him!

Akhenaten: Words of mine—fill your heart sorrowfully.

Chorus: (circling)

Deeds of the King: they know

No limit. If we do

Nothing, the King will hold

Madness above the peace!

Chorus stops, Tutankhaten behind Akhenaten, Horemheb L, Nefirtiti R.

Akhenaten: Oh, but believers of mine—hear not

False accusations against me—God

Says I do no wrong in His light, no—

Aten says nothing now—I must speak

In his words, so the true people hear:

What does God suffer that he says naught?

Tutakhaten: People are suffering!

Nefertiti: Then they should feast on love!

Horemheb: Love is no substitute.

Akhenaten: There is a pathway for love to live

Beyond the cages we keep it in.

Chorus: Nonsense!

Akhenaten: Amon!

Chorus: Heretic!

Akhenaten: Aten!

The Chorus leaves Akhenaten, who holds his hands to the sky.

Akhenaten: (to Chorus)

Who makes the grass grow?

Chorus: Aten!

Akhenaten: Who makes the sky blue?

Chorus: Aten!

Akhenaten: Who gives Egypt warmth!

Chorus: Aten!

Akhenaten: Aten!

Chorus: Aten!

Akhenaten: Aten!

Chorus: Aten!

The Chorus passes by Akhenaten to the other side of the stage.

Akhenaten: Who makes the poor starve?

Chorus: Amon!

Akhenaten: Who makes the priests lie?

Chorus: Amon!

Akhenaten: Who kills the humans?

Chorus: Amon!

Akhenaten: Amon!

Chorus: Amon!

Akhenaten: Amon!

Chorus: Amon!

Akhenaten falls to his knees, prostrating towards the crowd. The Chorus runs to him, and lifts him up by his hands and his feet. The Chorus circles, holding Akhenaten between them.

Chorus: Pharaoh has fainted, the

Weight of the truth strained him.

Amon has claimed his fee.

Aton, forever, thee.

The Chorus places Akhenaten on the ground in a sitting posture, though Akhenaten is slumped over his knees. The Chorus lies on their backs around Akhenaten, in a similar configuration as when the first circled him.

Akhenaten: (sobbing) Why does no one see the beauty, Aten?


Why does no one love themselves as I do?


Why do they not see the Aton like me?

Chorus: No one knows the truth.

Akhenaten: Aton is my leader.

Chorus: Children starve to death

Akhenaten: Amon is to blame here.

Chorus: Man is but a pest.

Akhenaten: No!

Man is God’s endowed creation!

Chorus: Man now starves

No God can fix.

Akhenaten lets out a piercing scream and drops to his knees. The Chorus stands and scatters.

Exit Chorus.

Akhenaten: Why am I so hobbled

That I must bear the weight, alone,

To fix the kingdom others hollowed

For gold and self—I must atone!

Enter Chorus, singing.


All of this impermanence

Could by your hands be fixed.

Just lift them for the good in man

And not the colors of a clan.

Akhenaten has stood, and the Chorus surrounds him.

Akhenaten: Aten—do you hear me?

Chorus: The voice of God is lost.

Akhenaten: I am your servant, forever.

Chorus: The ego has a cost.

Akhenaten: Aten—forgive me for my birth name.

Chorus: Born named Amen, Aten now seeks a cause.

Akhenaten falls to his knees, folding his hands in prayer.

Akhenaten: Amon—I am a slave to thee.

Chorus, defeated, walks to the left of the stage. They whisper among themselves.

Nefertiti: Something must be done!

Horemheb: I cannot raze my king!

Tutankhaten: This bastard gives his name to me!

Chorus: People have to see!

Akhenaten: (praying) Aten, give me strength.

Fill me with your freedoms.

Those across the oceans kill in

Egypt’s name—and teach them.

Show them they are worthy.

Show them they are free.

I feel not a growing love

If they don’t honor thee.


Nefertiti—are you there?

Nefertiti: Yes, my king.

Akhenaten: Who makes the grass grow?

Nefertiti: Aten, my dear.

Akhenaten: Who makes the birds call?

Nefertiti: …Aten, my king.

Akhenaten: Why do they hate me?

Nefertiti, taken aback, stands.

Akhenaten: Why, Nefertiti?

Nefertiti: I…


(With strength) Aten, my dear.

Akhenaten is taken aback.

Akhenaten: Aten? But why?

Nefertiti: No one protects them.

Akhenaten: (standing, angrily) But who makes the birds fly?

Nefertiti: (meekly) Aten…

Akhenaten moves towards Nefertiti

Akhenaten: And who makes the grass grow?

Nefertiti: (feeling threatened) Aten…

Akhenaten: And who is your master?

Nefertiti and Akhenaten stand face-to-face.

Nefertiti: (On the verge of tears) You.

Akhenaten slaps her.


Akhenaten: (coolly) Aten.

Nefertiti runs off

Exit Nefertiti

Akhenaten: Aten—now we can be alone.

Tutankhaten and Horemheb shake their heads in disgrace.

Exit Tutankhaten and Horemheb.

Akhenaten: As your morals pass down to me

Through the strength of your warm breeze

I shall give to Egypt thee

And save my bed from villany.

Enter Chorus, circling Akhenaten

Chorus: Egypt, falling, no God

Stopping. Aten—Amon—

Are we blinded?

Pharaoh, dying, takes us

Lying down to futures

Stated and forsaken—

But passed on through

Generations. Morals

Guiding Lives in hiding,

Madness strikes oppression

Like the King of Aten

Fights the Gods for no one

To know himself



We now must know.


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