
I think it is incredibly sickening that my pragmatic address to the issues facing us today, in terms of race, economics, and politics, is that I should step aside, which allows white racists to step forth, as opposed to my presence on the other side of them. However, were it not for my lack of being, I would only be to oppress others. Oppression through demarcation–that would be human kind’s eternal fate.

Instead, I choose to be more of what life here has presented. That there is to life some things which shall never be captured by words nor illusion is but the atheism of society. We should seek to understand not what has been and will be, but what will be is what has not been. Therefore, illusion and disavowment come to me as sophistry, and to seek exactitude of the infinite is not pre-destined, but eternal.

We do not kill those “others” that dwindle from the abstract to the tails of letters, but we free them from their obligation to stand where they are not poignant. No one existence is here by logic, and to assume so would provide substance to forlorn hierarchies. But they are here because they are not elsewhere, and to capture them is to bind them as we bind our hearts. Our others are the solemn accomplices of our love.

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