A Rat’s Taste in Wires

Scene 1


The laboratory of Dr. Tim Small. It is dark, save for the blinkings and blazings of LED’s on the computer interface behind the glowing pit downstage. Buzzes and whirrs can be heard as the computer runs billions of computations each second. Books sit neatly organized next to binders inside the shelves of Dr. Small and his colleague, Dr. John Gross. The blue-purple light of the pit wafts viscously through the air in a dance of cosmic impossibility that the dust particles throw. The glass dome over the pit sits illuminated, its metal hull casting beams throughout the laboratory and two observation portholes downstage.


The Other: (Suddenly, from off-stage) Think—we have opened black holes in our research, and we have initiated contact to unknown life, and—and we have captured this all; we have maintained our presence in this other being’s life for nearly a week…


Dr. Gross, speaking, and Dr. Small enter the laboratory


Dr. Gross: (continues) yet we have not found any evidence as to what this thing is. We have numbers for our containment, and for how long we can maintain the wormhole, but we have nothing on who is on the other side.


Dr. Small: That might be so, but that was not part of our experiment.


Dr. Gross: Well then what is the experiment? If not to discover, and to define, then this discovery is nothing more than a fancy for your ego!


Dr. Small: (turning, sharply) John, must I remind you that we have a guest present. (Motions to the pit)


Dr. Gross: I am sorry. Hello.


The Other: It is of no concern to me, your quarrels. I have told you that I know the outcome of your strife, and that I have made peace with it.


Dr. Gross: Yeah, well, I wish you’d help us with your chemical compound. We’re really breaking ground in this dimension, and that doesn’t seem to pertain to you.


Dr. Small: John, please. Go record this morning’s measurements.


Dr. Gross reluctantly enters the lab, and begins reading dials and recording them. Dr. Small steps in right upstage from the pit. His face illuminated, he gazes solemnly into the abyss.


Dr. Small: Boy—it would sure be great to study you. But…this earthly realm can be so imperfect.


The Other: I am sorry if I sound condescending, Tim, but please explain.


Dr. Small: (chuckles) Well, the funding, of course…but that’s all known to you, isn’t it?


The Other: Would my answer not be known to you?


Dr. Small: (Pensively) Your answer is mine.


The Other: John assumes you are lying.


Dr. Small: Everyone will assume I am lying, but you won’t. What John doesn’t know is that I have started all this just to find you. You are the reason you exist. And because of that, I will never have to guess as to my future. I know you will take care of me. I know, and what the people do not will not affect them. They will go on calling you whatever names they can devise. But I know. I know that you are no single thing—you are everything. And I can rest assured that I am merely an extension of you, doing your will as it presents itself.


The Other: Have you expressed this to John?


Dr. Small: No, no—he doesn’t concern himself with matters of the soul.


The Other: It is his countenance not to.


Dr. Small: It is many’s countenance to choose without thinking. I choose to become you. I am yet your hand in this reality.


Dr. Small turns around the partition back into the laboratory.


Dr. Small: John! Prepare Experiment LD-25.


Dr. Gross flips through his clipboard.


Dr. Gross: LD? Tim, we’re not even through H yet!


Dr. Small: That is fine. We will have time later. Today, I have heard you.


Dr. Gross: (confused) What?


Dr. Small: I have heard you, John! I get now what you see, I see it too! I was only wasting time out of anxiety that we had not finished our calculations. But now, John—now is the time. Today is the day we meet the Other.

Scene 2


Loud buzzes, alarms, and rumblings are sounding from the laboratory. It is in turmoil, and all is dark, except for the pit.


Dr. Gross: I can’t find the back-up!


Dr. Small: Why would you do that?


Dr. Gross: All readings are extreme!


Dr. Small: Stop this madness at once!


The sounds stop, and the fluorescent lights come on at once. Small is standing at the partition, facing into the pit. Gross lies cowered on the floor behind him.


Small: (lets out a loud, drawn-out roar, turns on Gross) What have you done? There, there we had reached providence!


Gross: (anxiously) Sir, (gulping) Sir! The cores had begun to melt! I had to—to stop!


Small: (suddenly quiet) John—I…I thought you shared my passion.


Gross: (taken aback) What?


Small: I thought that my vision—today—was that…you’d see its importance.


Gross: (uneasy) What importance?


Small: (angry) What importance?


Small moves towards Gross, gesturing towards the pit.


Small: (accusatorily) What illusory conclusions do you have of the infinity before us?


Gross: Sir, it is but illusion that drives you.


Small: Enough! Go replace the cores!


Small snatches the clipboard from Gross, still cowering on the floor, who moves unassuredly towards the partition door. Small begins recording the measurements of the laboratory computers. Gross dons protective garments, and enters the pit chamber.


Gross: (to himself) What illusory conclusions.


Gross begins removing the luminescent cores from the pit, its cover still intact.


The Other: You know, John…


Gross: Why can’t you just tell us what you are? Why must you let us suffer amongst ourselves, constantly guessing the other’s intentions?


The Other: I am just the reflection of everything. I cannot tell you the future.


Gross: It is not my fault that you are there! I should not have to assume your existence when I know that mine is real! You are just a vision of my fears…(somberly regards the cores) If we had no knowledge of you, what would we be? I find myself assuming that you have no influence, that your essence is not proof of your existence, and your voice is but my interpretation of you. I should disregard you, and concern myself with my own utilities.


The Other: You know I cannot guide you


Gross replaces the last of the cores.


Gross: It is your answer that is not useful.


Gross turns and walks away from the pit. He enters the laboratory, as Small is finishing his calculations.


Small: Did you two have a constructive talk?


Gross: If by constructive you mean pointless? Then yes.


Small: (Bemused) Here is your clipboard. I have set the dials back to their pre-experiment settings. (Turns to the partition) As for me, I must have a chat with our guest.


Small walks through the doorway of the partition. Gross begins double-checking each dial.


Small: Well, I guess we should call it an evening.


The Other: You are quite calm for what awaits you.


Gross looks at one dial, and begins flipping through the clipboard.


Small: Well, yes—let’s just say that I have made peace through you.


Gross begins frantically looking at dials, and checking the papers on his clipboard.


The Other: It is not every day that people commit themselves to a fate.


Gross runs towards the partition, and bangs on it, shouting for Small to attract his attention, but Small cannot hear him.


Small: Well, it is good to see that experiment LD-25 went according to plan, and, according to my watch, we should see maximum connectivity in one minute.


Gross continues banging on the partition, desperately trying to attract Small’s attention. He runs over and begins hastily putting on his protective garments.


The Other: You are a brave man, Timothy Small.


Small: No, your light is brave.


Buzzes and alarms and whirrs are heard above the laboratory, as Gross finishes putting on his protective suit. A loud explosion is heard as the scene goes dark, along with the shattering of glass, metal, and the collapsing of large objects.


Scene 3


All objects have been razed from the laboratory—the computers, the partition, the pit. Only Gross lies illuminated under a single light. Downstage, the body of Dr. Small lies crumpled on the floor.


Gross: (panting, exasperated) T—t—Tim!…(Shrieking) Tim!…


The Other: (offstage) You may express yourself.


Gross: You…You…You maniac! What have you done to us?


Gross scurries down to Small’s body, and rolls it over onto his lap.


Gross: Tim…oh, Tim! (sobbing) But, are you still breathing? Tim! Speak Tim!


The Other: I am here.


Gross: But…


Small’s eyes open, and he rolls from Gross’ lap onto the floor. He kneels there, and Gross moves to comfort him.


The Other: Do you not hear me, John? I am here, and I will always be here, the Alpha and the Omega of all destinies.


Gross: Shut up!


The Other: I am Tim Small—I am everything. I am all but your choice to live in ignorance.


Gross: I…what have you done to Tim?


The Other: Tim has done this to Tim. It is now your turn to do so yourself.


Gross: What do you want from me?


Small slowly breaks from Gross’ hold and sits on his knees across from Gross.


The Other: I will show you.


Small takes the protective helmet off Gross, and pulls the hands of Gross over his own ears. Gross is breathing heavily, but Small places his hands over the eyes of Gross.


The Other: Do you see now?


Gross screams as the scene goes black.



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